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Cam Can Services

The work you provide Cam Can Services will also ensure its proprietor Cameron, has the opportunity to lead a purposeful day, meet other people and contribute to the community. For over a decade, Cameron and his hard working team of support workers have been providing services of value to customers receiving glowing reviews.

Behind every great name is a great story. (Click Here)

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The Big Picture

Cam Can Services is a business developed specifically around the skills and interests of Cameron, a young man who has a disability. Upon leaving school in 2008, the mainstream options available for Cameron to secure a job and live a fulfilling life as a contributing member in his local community were extremely marginal.

Recognizing that Cameron deserved more, a small group of family and friends namely "Cam’s Support Crew" worked together and made it their mission to ensure Cameron would have the best opportunity to live a typical life. The enormous challenge and innovation to design and build a small business enterprise for Cameron to operate was equalled only by the Crew's determination.

After a relatively short period of time, Cam Can Services proved itself to be a successful business venture. More importantly, it also demonstrated there were numerous gains for Cameron as an individual. Through assisting other people with similar aspirations, Cameron’s parents created a disability services organisation in Western Australia in 2011. The organisation is Cam Can & Associates. A journal recapping 10 years of Cam Can is available. (Click Here)

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Cam Can Services

ABN : 56720675334

Contact Information

Phone : 0474293275
Email :

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